Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spanish & World Revolution News 2011


On October 15th citizens around the world will take to the streets to express outrage at how our rights are being undermined by the alliance between politicians and big corporations. From Democracia real Ya (Real Democracy Now) we invite you to participate in this peaceful protest by joining our call to action or by calling for other actions on this date. It is time to raise our voice. Our future is at stake, and nothing can hold back the power of millions of people when they unite for a common goal.

Democracia real Ya is a platform that originated in Spain to coordinate various civil mobilization groups. Under the slogan “We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers”, thousands of people took to the streets on May 15th to demand a more participatory democracy, to reject corruption in Spain’s political system, and to show our opposition to the austerity measures imposed on us. Following the success of that first demonstration, several movements emerged. Acampadas (tent cities) were set up in central squares across the country, much like the first occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo. The acampadas gave rise to popular assemblies, where citizens shape their goals through an inclusive non-hierarchal decision making process. The May 15 movement soon expanded beyond Spanish borders and inspired actions in numerous cities around the world, including a mass demonstration against the Euro Pact last June 19th.

Pressured by financial powers, our political leaders work for the benefit of just a few, regardless of the social, human or environmental cost this may cause. By promoting wars for profit and impoverishing whole populations, our ruling classes are depriving us of our right to a free and just society.

That’s why we invite you to join this peaceful fight and spread the message that together we have the ability to change this intolerable situation. Let’s take to the streets on October 15th. It’s time for them to listen to us. United we will make our voices heard! Join the cause!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Save the Costa del Sol, Spain

On the 23 December 2010 in Cabinet, The Secretariat of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment in Spain, gave approval for Repsol to prospect for natural gas and hydrocarbons in Malaga. This was approved and licenses were authorised to five companies to partake of a hydrocarbon investigation in the territory and on the Spanish coast. Among the companies who are authorised are CNWL Oil Spain, of the Canadian international Sherrit Corporation, and Shuepbach Energy/Vancast Exploration. These licenses authorise the mentioned companies to look for petroleum or gas in six areas of the Andalusian coast, denominated "Chinook - A, B, C and D" and "Tesorillo and Ruedalabola". These new licenses to explore the hydrocarbon potential on the Andalusian coast between Cadiz and Almeria are to look for active gas wells. Also other projects of investigation in search of hydrocarbons.
... read more by clicking below.... and please sign the petition...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Holidays in Marbella – the Jewel in the Costa del Sol’s crown

Hemmed in by the Mediterranean to the South and by the backdrop of the mountains to the North, Marbella is the centre of international tourism on the Costa del Sol. Its magnificent climate, superb beaches, wealth of leisure facilities and hundreds of thousands of annual visitors have transformed this fishing port into a summer playground.

The seemingly endless mass of apartment blocks line the seafront, while more luxurious holiday complexes, with their impressive chalets, mansions and even palaces, extend inland. The city has developed a reputation as the most exclusive resort along the Costa del Sol, attracting famous visitors from the World of show business, adding a further glamorous dimension to this jet-setting resort.

Despite its modern opulence, Marbella has still preserved its old quarter of whitewashed houses, their facades adorned with typical wrought-iron grilles and breathtaking displays of flowers.
The town has become a shopper’s paradise, particularly for luxury goods and over the years has developed a reputation for its health clubs and spas. Mention should be made of Marbella’s fantastic sporting facilities, particularly its golf courses.

To further emphasize the cosmopolitan nature of this modern resort, Marbella has two mosques, a synagogue and a number of protestant churches.

It is of little surprise that Marbella is consistently one of the most sought after tourist destinations on the Costa del Sol. For the best selection of Holiday rentals in Marbella and to rent a beach villa in Spain be sure to check out Spain Holiday’s extensive list of property rentals – all directly from the owners themselves.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spanish Revolution - Democracia Real Ya!

A few days prior to the recent local elections in Spain, a group of people got together in the main plaza in Madrid to protest government and banking policies.

The movement has now spread to all major cities in the country and continues even today. Other countries in Europe have been inspired to follow Spain's lead or to lend their support.

If you are planning to visit the major cities of Spain, do not be afraid - these protests are entirely peaceful and you can only be moved by this experience.

You will see little, or nothing of this movement in the mass media - search on for #spanishrevolution, Spanish Revolution or Democracia Real Ya! for more information.

The following is a video of the protests prior to election day, and below you can read the Manifesto in both English and Spanish:

Manifesto (English)

We are ordinary people. We are like you: people, who get up every morning to study, work or find a job, people who have family and friends. People, who work hard every day to provide a better future for those around us.

Some of us consider ourselves progressive, others conservative. Some of us are believers, some not. Some of us have clearly defined ideologies, others are apolitical, but we are all concerned and angry about the political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us: corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without a voice. This situation has become normal, a daily suffering, without hope. But if we join forces, we can change it. It’s time to change things, time to build a better society together. Therefore, we strongly argue that:

The priorities of any advanced society must be equality, progress, solidarity, freedom of culture, sustainability and development, welfare and people’s happiness.

These are inalienable truths that we should abide by in our society: the right to housing, employment, culture, health, education, political participation, free personal development, and consumer rights for a healthy and happy life.

The current status of our government and economic system does not take care of these rights, and in many ways is an obstacle to human progress.

Democracy belongs to the people (demos = people, krátos = government) which means that government is made of every one of us. However, in Spain most of the political class does not even listen to us. Politicians should be bringing our voice to the institutions, facilitating the political participation of citizens through direct channels that provide the greatest benefit to the wider society, not to get rich and prosper at our expense, attending only to the dictatorship of major economic powers and holding them in power through a bipartidism headed by the immovable acronym PP & PSOE.

Lust for power and its accumulation in only a few; create inequality, tension and injustice, which leads to violence, which we reject. The obsolete and unnatural economic model fuels the social machinery in a growing spiral that consumes itself by enriching a few and sends into poverty the rest. Until the collapse.

The will and purpose of the current system is the accumulation of money, not regarding efficiency and the welfare of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating unemployment and unhappy consumers.

Citizens are the gears of a machine designed to enrich a minority which does not regard our needs. We are anonymous, but without us none of this would exist, because we move the world.

If as a society we learn to not trust our future to an abstract economy, which never returns benefits for the most, we can eliminate the abuse that we are all suffering.

We need an ethical revolution. Instead of placing money above human beings, we shall put it back to our service. We are people, not products. I am not a product of what I buy, why I buy and who I buy from.

For all of the above, I am outraged.
I think I can change it.
I think I can help.
I know that together we can.



Somos personas normales y corrientes. Somos como tú: gente que se levanta por las mañanas para estudiar, para trabajar o para buscar trabajo, gente que tiene familia y amigos. Gente que trabaja duro todos los días para vivir y dar un futuro mejor a los que nos rodean.

Unos nos consideramos más progresistas, otros más conservadores. Unos creyentes, otros no.
Unos tenemos ideologías bien definidas, otros nos consideramos apolíticos… Pero todos estamos preocupados e indignados por el panorama político, económico y social que vemos a nuestro alrededor. Por la corrupción de los políticos, empresarios, banqueros… Por la indefensión del ciudadano de a pie.

Esta situación nos hace daño a todos diariamente. Pero si todos nos unimos, podemos cambiarla. Es hora de ponerse en movimiento, hora de construir entre todos una sociedad mejor.

Por ello sostenemos firmemente lo siguiente:

Las prioridades de toda sociedad avanzada han de ser la igualdad, el progreso, la solidaridad, el libre acceso a la cultura, la sostenibilidad ecológica y el desarrollo, el bienestar y la felicidad de las personas.

Existen unos derechos básicos que deberían estar cubiertos en estas sociedades: derecho a la vivienda, al trabajo, a la cultura, a la salud, a la educación, a la participación política, al libre desarrollo personal, y derecho al consumo de los bienes necesarios para una vida sana y feliz.

El actual funcionamiento de nuestro sistema económico y gubernamental no atiende a estas prioridades y es un obstáculo para el progreso de la humanidad.

La democracia parte del pueblo (demos=pueblo; cracia=gobierno) así que el gobierno debe ser del pueblo. Sin embargo, en este país la mayor parte de la clase política ni siquiera nos escucha. Sus funciones deberían ser la de llevar nuestra voz a las instituciones, facilitando la participación política ciudadana mediante cauces directos y procurando el mayor beneficio para el grueso de la sociedad, no la de enriquecerse y medrar a nuestra costa, atendiendo tan sólo a los dictados de los grandes poderes económicos y aferrándose al poder a través de una dictadura partitocrática encabezada por las inamovibles siglas del PPSOE.

El ansia y acumulación de poder en unos pocos genera desigualdad, crispación e injusticia, lo cual conduce a la violencia, que rechazamos. El obsoleto y antinatural modelo económico vigente bloquea la maquinaria social en una espiral que se consume a sí misma enriqueciendo a unos pocos y sumiendo en la pobreza y la escasez al resto. Hasta el colapso.

La voluntad y fin del sistema es la acumulación de dinero, primándola por encima de la eficacia y el bienestar de la sociedad. Despilfarrando recursos, destruyendo el planeta, generando desempleo y consumidores infelices.

Los ciudadanos formamos parte del engranaje de una máquina destinada a enriquecer a una minoría que no sabe ni de nuestras necesidades. Somos anónimos, pero sin nosotros nada de esto existiría, pues nosotros movemos el mundo.

Si como sociedad aprendemos a no fiar nuestro futuro a una abstracta rentabilidad económica que nunca redunda en beneficio de la mayoría, podremos eliminar los abusos y carencias que todos sufrimos.

Es necesaria una Revolución Ética. Hemos puesto el dinero por encima del Ser Humano y tenemos que ponerlo a nuestro servicio. Somos personas, no productos del mercado. No soy sólo lo que compro, por qué lo compro y a quién se lo compro.

Por todo lo anterior, estoy indignado.
Creo que puedo cambiarlo.
Creo que puedo ayudar.
Sé que unidos podemos.
Sal con nosotros. Es tu derecho.